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How Long Does It Take To Build A New House In Pakistan?

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Building a new house is a dream for almost everyone. If you’re looking forward to getting a house built from scratch, we know you’re very excited and can’t wait to see your dream standing tall in front of you. In this regard, a question we often receive is, “How long does it take to build a house in Pakistan”? While there’s obviously no fixed time to quote, one must keep in mind that building a house is not a matter of days and takes significant time. Being the top construction and management services company, we have written this blog to address some common queries related to this topic. Let’s start!

Looking To Build A New House?

This question is often asked by people looking to construct their dream house from the ground up. A general answer to this could be that the average new house-building process takes anywhere from twelve to eighteen months depending on size. However, there is more to it!

If you look forward to getting a fully custom-built house, you will also need to count the additional time that goes into other factors such as:

  • Purchasing land.
  • Securing the necessary permits.
  • Making all design decisions.
  • Structure, and MEP drawings architectural
  • Finding the builder.
  • Drawing up plans.
  • Inevitable unforeseen delays or issues.

A typical custom-built house may take a little over eighteen months depending on size, but for a fully custom house of greater than 1000 sq. meters or two kannal, the process can even take multiple years.

Factors That Influence the Timeline

There can be multiple sources of delays that house-building projects fall victim to. While some of them can be avoided with proper planning, some will simply have to be worked through. Here goes the list of some common factors that can add up to the construction time:

(a)  Permits and Authorization

Depending on where you live, it can be quite time-consuming to obtain the necessary permits and approvals. Whether it is due to overworked personnel, local regulations, or just excessive paperwork, you must expect delays at this stage since they are highly likely to happen. It is important to consider these delays when forming your timeline.

(b) Geographical Aspects:

Another factor that can affect your timeline is the location where you choose to build your home. For instance, you may think that your hilltop home site is an ideal location and has absolutely picturesque surroundings, but it may not be the easiest place to construct a house. All the necessary materials and equipment to construct your dream home will also have to haul up that same hill, which could cause complications and delays. The same is applicable if your plot soil characteristic is having a low load-bearing capacity which may require piling work to provide stability and strength to the foundation.

You will also notice that the construction time varies depending on the climate of that region. For example, construction projects in the northern regions of Pakistan have longer average times than those in the south. This is most probably due to the inconvenience caused by potential winter or rainy weather.

(c)   Indecisiveness:

Indecisiveness is one of the biggest causes of delays in new house construction. Changing material choices, altering the plans halfway through a build, or making a design change until the last moment can delay or even halt construction. This happens because some materials take weeks to arrive after the order, so if you wait until the last moment to make material choices, it can cause serious delays. It’s better to start with a firm strategy and stick to it. If you’re working with an experienced construction company like Unique Homes Construction and Management, you can get help in making well-informed choices related to the design and material very upfront. Our experienced engineers will guide and provide you for each individual activity from the start to the end of the project.

To Wrap Up:

These are some of the factors that can cause serious delays in any construction project. When getting a house built, it’s important to keep realistic expectations while keeping these factors in mind. In our opinion, a little bit of planning goes a long way, so it’s better to make a foolproof plan that allows you to keep a cushion for these factors. Also, if you’re looking for construction project management services in Pakistan or especially in Karachi, Unique Homes Construction and Management has got you covered. You can check out our website to find out more.